Thursday, February 24, 2011

My First Bookmark!

I hadn't told anyone about this blog since I started it a few weeks ago, kind of wanting to see if it stuck and also partly because I really didn't want to admit I'd jumped on yet another 21st Century Fad.  And then Kevin was reading someone else's blog last night after (which really means during) his large piles of homework were complete and said "You know, I think you would be really good at writing blogs." 

To which I said replied non-chalantly "Oh. Yeah, I started one a few weeks ago."  And opened up the blog on his computer for him to read. 

After he was done reading he said "Okay, I'm bookmarking you.  That means you have to write more now.  You're on my bookmarks with only 5 other websites.  Feel Special."

So this post is for Kevin my loving, frustrating, and adorable (in a manly way of course) fiance who always always always encorages me to do things that he knows I can do and always believes that I can do more than I think I can. 

I saw my name on a list yesterday and next to it in parenthesees was and Fiance Kevin Ronecker and it was the first time I'd seen it in writing like that and it made me smile and feel all warm inside because, for those of you that don't know him (but then again, if Kevin's the only one reading this blog I guess you're familar with him), he's a pretty amazing and puts up with all of my crazy antics and the fact that I may possibly be just a bit high matenience. 

From the day we got engaged at QT (:
To the Guy who is okay with the fact that I love QT almost as much as I love him

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In The Basement, There is a Drawer.

There are so many things I see people doing or see that people have made or see things in a store that I think- I can do that.  Easy. And way cheaper.  And I look the thing over or watch the person very carefully to figure out just how that thing was made or done.  And sometimes I can makes these amazing things for just a few dollars that I would have bought that the store for $20.  And then there are those other times where I try and it turns out bad. turns out awful.  Like you just want to cry because the thing that you spent hours, and I mean hours of your time on looks like something a 6 year old made. 

Anyway, I've been reading this amazingly hiliarious blog for like 2 weeks now and have been pretty much obsessed with it.  At least twice a day I've been able to relate to Kevin something from this blog and how it relates to whatever we're doing at the time.  And the more I get to thinking about it, I thought I can do that. Do you see where I'm going here?  So that's why I've started this blog, because I liked someone else's and thought I could do just as good.  I guess we'll see. 

Because there's a place I put all those aforementioned craft projects that go awry, look hideous, or are in need of so much more work than I originally thought that I get bored.  There's this drawer in the basement by all of my other craft drawers that is home to all of these little beauties.  It makes both my mom and Kevin laugh.  I don't think it's very funny.  At all. 

So I guess what I'm saying is that I'm hoping this blog does not end up in the drawer in the basement.  Wish me luck?